
Why My Netgear Orbi Can’t Add Satellite? Can You Help Me?

Adding a satellite to the router is one of the most important things that one supposed to do to complete the Orbi mesh WiFi system setup. But, there are times when the user is unable to add the satellite to the Orbi router and hence face intermittent connectivity issue throughout the house. Well, it might happen if the firmware of the router installed outdated. Thus, you supposed to do the firmware update as soon as possible. But, downloading the correct file is important. You can’t upload the Orbi RBK50 firmware file on another model of the Orbi router.

But, will it suffice to fix the problem you’re facing? Well, the answer is no. There are other reasons too why your Netgear Orbi can’t add satellite. Thus, let’s get more subtle and break down the post into two sections namely reasons and troubleshooting tips to fix the issue. So, read on and see what works in your favor.

What to Do If Your Orbi Can’t Add Satellite?

  1. Bring Satellite Closer to Router

Apart from the outdated firmware of the Orbi router, its immense distance from the satellite can be the reason why you are unable to add a satellite to your home network. Considering this, we suggest you bring your satellite a little close to the router. However, you must not place them too close. Why? It is because if you place them way close, then the risk of a clash of their WiFi signals increases. And who knows you’ll end up facing another trouble? We’re sure that you do not want it to happen.

  1. Power Cycle Your Router

Where every other hack fails, power cycling the device considered divine. The reason is, it is the only weapon you’ve to combat technical glitches. The firmware update remains the second. Therefore, you should not waste much time powering down your Netgear Orbi router and waiting for a while. Once you feel that your router has all its good time sitting idle, get it back to its work by powering it up again. And yes, do not forget to ensure that you are using a non-damaged outlet for powering up the router. An adequate power supply is a basic need for a networking router.

  1. Check the Lights on Router

Is your Orbi blinking white light or no light at all? If no light is the answer, then you need not worry and can simply hop up to the following troubleshooting technique. However, if you’ve answered white light, then you need to wait for a few moments. FYI, white light shows up on your router, when it is applying some configuration. Perhaps, you made some changes to the router which getting applied. Thus, wait and let the white light on your router settle down. Once it happens, check to see if the Orbi can add satellite or not. In case your router is still being stubborn, then you should surely check out the next hack.

  1. Update the Platform for Adding Satellite

Chances are that not your Orbi router, but the platform you are using to add satellite to the home network that is at fault. Pay attention, no matter whether you using a web browser or the Orbi application to add satellite, it must be updated. FYI, the web browser can be updated by accessing its settings whereas the Orbi application supposed to be upgraded with the help of the app store (Google Play Store or App Store) your mobile device supports. Can your Orbi router add satellite now?

  1. Sync Your Router and Satellite

How can you forget this? If there’s no sync between your Netgear Orbi router and satellite, then there’s no chance that you’ll be able to add satellite to your network. Thus, wait for nothing and do the honors now. For this, shift your attention to the button labeled Sync on your Orbi router and press it. Once done, press the Sync button on the satellite. Within some time, your Orbi devices will sync and you’ll be able to add satellite to the home WiFi.

In Conclusion

That’s all about what to do if your Orbi can’t add satellite. We expecting that you’ll take care of all of the aforementioned things and will be able to get the issue resolved. Just in case your every attempt fails, then factory reset Orbi and install your whole home mesh WiFi system from scratch. This time you’ll surely be able to add satellite to your router.